What are THCp, THCo, and HHC? Benefits, Risks & More

Posted by Jason Robillard on Jul 18th 2022

What are THCp, THCo, and HHC? Benefits, Risks & More

Cannabis is continuing to grow in popularity as new cannabinoids are discovered. While the most popular cannabinoids of Cannabis include CBD, THC, and Delta 8, there are a few other cannabinoids, such as THCp, THCo, and HHC, which are making some buzz among enthusiasts with their broad spectrum of wellness properties.

Today’s article will focus on the overview and medical benefits of THCp, THCo, and HHC. All these compounds are derived or synthesized using Cannabis but have distinct terpene, structural, and chemical properties that set them apart.

What is THCp?

THCp is short for Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabiphoral and is said to be the sister compound of THC. Moreover, THCp is far more potent than regular THC since it is observed that THCp is capable of binding with the cannabinoid system 33x times more strongly than THC. In simple words, THCp is more potent than THC and capable of offering many therapeutic effects due to its potency.

THCp is a relatively new compound since it was discovered in late 2019 by a team of Italian scientists. And since it is pretty new to the market, no peer-reviewed research indicates how using THCp would affect a person’s mental and physical health.


THCp is said to offer the same benefits as the regular Delta-9 THC, but, since it is more potent, it holds a strong mind high with a feeling of euphoria. Moreover, THCp could also help a person feel more relaxed, and it is also said that this cannabinoid could be crucial in treating insomnia and other sleep disorders.


THCp is a highly potent substance; consuming it in high doses could lead to serious health problems. While the research available to us is scarce, it is also believed that the substance is not entirely legalized in the country since the FDA doesn’t regulate it.

What is THCo?

Tetrahydrocannabinol acetate ester or THCo is a synthetic cannabinoid made from hemp-derived Delta 8 THC. THCo is said to be 3x more potent than Delta 9 THC and has a solid euphoric effect on the body. The substance offers psychoactive effects on the body, but since it is synthesized using hemp-derived Delta 8, THCo is considered legal in most states.

THCo is said to be a prodrug, meaning it gets activated once the liver metabolizes it. Once a person consumes some concentration of THCo, it will take almost an hour for the body to feel the substance’s psychoactive effects.


THCo is the legal version of THC, is just three times more potent, and offers the same benefits. It is said that specific doses of THCo could be beneficial in coping with anxiety and chronic pain. Moreover, THCo hasn’t been a subject of a plethora of medical research, which would further highlight the substance’s significance. For the most part, THCo is said to offer a similar but more potent effect to Delta 9 THC.


Synthesizing THCo using Delta 8 requires the process to use acetic anhydride, a highly flammable substance, which makes the process quite dangerous. Similarly, the long-term effects of THCo are unknown to the public since there’s not much peer-reviewed evidence available to support that the substance is faultless.

What is HHC?

Hexahydrocannabinol or HHC belongs to the THC family, and it is derived by adding hydrogen to the THC compound. The hydrogenation process decreases the potency and psychoactive effects of the compound, making HHC less potent than Delta 9 THC and an excellent remedy for those who aren’t in awe of the solid euphoric effect of Delta 9 THC.


Although HHC soothes the mind and reduces anxiety, it can also be an energy booster during the day. Some parts of the compound interact with the endocannabinoid system of the body to produce various psychoactive effects that contribute to a person’s wellness. Medical experts also believe that with the correct dose, all the effects one generally experiences from Delta 9 can also be experienced through the consumption of HHC.


Medical experts don’t test HHC, and the long-term effects of the substance are also unknown. However, since it is a semi-synthetic compound, it is legal in most parts of the country. Moreover, the lack of information on HHC makes it a wild card in the Cannabis sphere, and while more research is needed, the compound is already turning heads with its wide range of medical benefits.
